Project display board can be no larger than 30” deep, 48” wide (side to side), and 108” tall.
A display board and journal are the ONLY items allowed for display.
Optional: A small electronic device may be used to display photos or videos for the judges. Video is limited to 1 minute and must be approved by fair personnel.
Central Utah STEM Fair, and the participating school districts, reserve the right to remove any additional items displayed with your project.
Do NOT bring items from your experiment — take pictures of your experiment and include them on your board OR in your journal.
Please read the list, make any necessary corrections to
your project. In order to compete your project board must abide by these
rules. There will be no exceptions.
The Central Utah STEM Committee reserves the right to remove anything displayed at a project that may—at their sole discretion—be deemed hazardous or inappropriate for public display.
When creating your display board, do not include the following:
- Living organisms, including plants in any form
- Taxidermy specimens or parts
- Preserved animals — including embryos
- Food (Only exception: empty containers may be secured to the display††)
- Human or animal parts/tissues or fluids †
- Soil/dirt, sand, or waste samples
- Laboratory or Household chemicals—including water
- Poisons, drugs, hazardous substances or devices, weapons
- Sharp items —including glass
- Flames or highly flammable materials (No matches)
- Empty tanks that previously contained combustible liquids or gases
- Batteries with open-top cells
- Recognizable photographs of people, other than yourself or your family—unless you have their written consent
- Photographs or other visuals of dead vertebrate animals or vertebrate animals in surgical techniques, dissection, other lab techniques or improper handling methods
- Awards, medals, business cards, flags, phone numbers, fax numbers, addresses or lists of personal accomplishments
† You may display: teeth, hair, fingernails, and dried animal bones.
†† Empty containers are permitted for display.